Competitor Analysis

We help you stay one step ahead of the competition

At Linum Consult, we deliver competitor analysis through detailed market research and by using our extensive global network of contacts.

Depending on the data you require, we organise interview days with specifically targeted individuals who have worked for your key competitors.

The information we gather during this process is key, enabling us to benchmark your competition’s differing platforms across global geographical regions and helping you to keep one step ahead.

Other Specialist Services

Executive Search

Our team combines 40 years of senior recruitment, HR and talent management experience with the expertise of consultants who have in depth industry knowledge.

Project Mapping

Whether you need people immediately or in the future, we take the anxiety away, giving you peace of mind that your immediate or potential candidates have been mapped out with full visibility, ensuring you appoint the right people for the right project.


+44 (0) 161 518 3266